There is now no point in trying to stop banks closing their branches.
The Which ? Campaign to save such branches has clearly failed.
8000 have been lost in the last decade.
The last realistic opportunity to stop bank branch closures was ended at the December 2019 General Election, an election which saw the Labour Party pledge to stop banks closing their branches.
They lost - so the banks accelerated their branch closure programmes and ensured the creation of what is now Cash Access UK was carried out at a pace which would have embarrassed a snail.
Another pledge by Labour in 2019 was to create a Post Bank, with up to 3600 branches, which would “ unite important banking, business and community services under one roof.”
How did that pledge morph into promising a mere 350 Banking Hubs by 2029?
The Payment Choice Alliance has made clear how many Banking Hubs are required.
The MINIMUM number is 1200.
The same Labour majority that will see Heathrow Airport finally - and rightly - expanded WILL also deliver 1200 Banking Hubs AND a Payment Choice Act.
The British public won’t take no for an answer - and nor will the Payment Choice Alliance!