There is a growing recognition that acceptance of cash has become a massive issue in the UK - but the story starts nearly a decade ago.
The news in 2014 that, under Mayor Boris Johnson, London buses were to go “cashless”, led to the founding of the Payment Choice Alliance by current Chair Ron Delnevo that year.
A trickle of “cashless” businesses started to appear after 2014, but that trickle became a fast flowing stream during the pandemic.
Today, “cashless” is to be found almost everywhere.
Pubs; restaurants; coffee shops; leisure centres; football clubs; car parks - a fad that was initially confined mainly to London is now threatening to spread around the whole UK.
Mainstream grocery retailing has not fallen into “cashless” trap as yet. However, signs are not promising, with, for example, self-checkouts sometimes not offering cash payment as an option.
It is against this backdrop that the Payment Choice Alliance was relaunched in 2023.
Our Mission:
The top priority of the Alliance is to ensure the British public get the Payment Choice they deserve. The Alliance believes that will only be achieved when a law is on the statute books establishing the right of everyone in the UK to choose how they pay; and, in particular, that they can use their cash, when and where they choose.
To halt and then reverse the trend towards “cashless”, a strong push in the opposite direction is required.
That push will come from The Payment Choice Alliance.
To show your support for a Payment Choice Act, please email:
The Payment Choice Alliance Limited
Registered in England and Wales.
Company Number: 15758995.
Registered office: Beacon House, South Road, Weybridge, KT139DZ