Take Action

Ron Delnevo, Chair of the Payment Choice Alliance, makes a call for ACTION

Want to be Able to Keep on Using Cash?
YOU can take action right NOW!

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There is no better time for you - a UK voter - to influence the future of cash in your country.

On the 4th of July, hundreds of new Labour MPs were elected.

With over 400 MPs, the new Labour Government is in a position to deliver a Payment Choice Act for the British public. We - the supporters of Payment Choice - simply have to persuade them to do so!

As part of the effort to get the new Government to do the right thing - to pass a law giving the British public the right to use their cash, when and where they choose - the Payment Choice Alliance took a Stand at the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool in September 2024.

As you will see from videos and reports elsewhere on this website, it was a very successful event for the Payment Choice Alliance. The vast majority of people we spoke to - and there were many, including a Cabinet Minister - supported what we are doing.

So now is the time to keep up the pressure on the Government to deliver!

The next event the Payment Choice Alliance will be mounting to promote our cause is to have a MP “Walk In” in the Houses of Parliament in London.

All MPs will be invited to this event, including YOURS!

It is important you let YOUR MP know what matters to YOU - and ask them to attend the Payment Choice Alliance event at Westminster.

Details of the event are still being confirmed, so we are are going to ask you to email your MP TWICE .

Once right NOW, to preview the event.

And a second time, when the details of the event are confirmed.

The more MPs hear from supporters of the Payment Choice Alliance the better - and your emails will really help ensure MPs have no excuse for forgetting about this crucial issue for the British public.

Even if you have contacted your MP before on this subject, please email them again - EVERY EMAIL HELPS!

You may well know the name of your local MP.

Even if you don’t, you can find out their name and contact details by using this link.

You could write a letter or send an email.

An email is obviously quicker and less expensive, but a letter can still be a powerful way of communication.

Here is a draft of an email or letter you could send - but your own words expressing YOUR feelings are better, so, of course, please change the draft as you choose!

Make sure that you to put your name and full address on the letter or email so that your MP knows you are a constituent.


The Payment Choice Alliance will be in the Houses of Parliament meeting YOUR MP SOON - working to help ensure ALL the British public enjoy Payment Choice by the end of 2025!

Dear (MPs first name),

I hope you are well.

As my MP, I know you will be very interested in what matters to me.

I am writing to you about my serious concerns in relation to cash acceptance in Britain.

Many retailers and businesses are now turning away customers like me, customers who continue to want to use cash.

This is totally unacceptable, since it is against the wishes of the majority of the British public - including myself.

The wishes of the British public are very clear indeed.

A survey conducted by the LINK ATM Scheme in August 2024 - so since you were elected - found that 81% of British adults of all ages want to retain the option to use cash.

The LINK findings support those of a survey carried out by YouGov on behalf of the Payment Choice Alliance in 2023. That survey revealed that 71 % of British adults want a law passed, giving them the right to use their cash, - their £ - when and where they please.

The same survey work also found that only 12% of the British public in any way support a “cashless” future for their country.

Please confirm that you support a UK Payment Choice Act and that you will do everything possible to ensure one is approved by Parliament without delay.

Please also confirm that you are interested in attending a MP “Walk In” event, which will be staged in Westminster by the Payment Choice Alliance in the very near future.

Your early positive response is crucial, to reassure me that you really care about this vital issue.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely


Please send your email or letter as soon as you can AND chase for a proper response if you do not receive one within 10 working days.

If you would like to copy the Alliance in on your email, that would be excellent!

Please copy to: ron.delnevo@paymentchoicealliance.org

You CAN make a difference to the future of cash - starting with telling your new MP exactly what you feel about Payment Choice TODAY.

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