Time for ALL Hall & Woodhouse Pubs to Accept Cash! - Image 1

Time for ALL Hall & Woodhouse Pubs to Accept Cash!

Posted on: 21/10/2024

This review is worth reading.

A potential customer absolutely slaughters Hall & Woodhouse Ltd for not accepting cash at one of their pubs. The reviewer also makes clear that they spent their £100 at a rival local business that DID accept their cash.

The General Manager at the pub then informs the lost customer that they will soon be accepting cash again and asks that the person returns when that happens.

Why on earth should they return?

Woodhouse & Hall have behaved very badly.

The Payment Choice Alliance has written to the CEO of Hall & Woodhouse Matt Kearsey on several occasions advising him that his company should accept cash at ALL of their venues.

Matt went to Harvard Business School but you shouldn’t need an MBA from the Ivy League to tell the difference between right and wrong.

And “cashless” is WRONG for Hall & Woodhouse - AND every other business - because the vast majority of the British public have made clear they don’t want “cashless” imposed on them.

Hall & Woodhouse need to quickly clarify that the World’s End again accepting cash is only the start of a programme to restore cash acceptance at all of their venues.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation, Matt. The British public will be very pleased.

Click here to read the trip advisor review >

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