More Cracks Appearing In “Cashless”! - Image 1

More Cracks Appearing In “Cashless”!

Posted on: 09/09/2024

Another crack appears in the “cashless” assault on the British public.

Black Sheep Coffee has been “cashless” since they started operating in 2013.

They have been named & shamed by the Payment Choice Alliance and severely criticised by customers - but they seemed not to be listening.

But, finally, they have seen sense.

Look carefully in the bottom right hand corner of this photograph.

You will see a sign that has only one word - but one so important to so many people in the UK.

That word is “CASH”.

The impossible is suddenly possible.

The Payment Choice Alliance is seeking assurances from the Board of Black Sheep that ALL of their coffee shops will accept cash in future.

The PCA stated a few months ago that “cashless” will be dead in the UK by the end of 2025.


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