National Payments Vision To Deliver What The British Public WANTS! - Image 1

National Payments Vision To Deliver What The British Public WANTS!

Posted on: 18/11/2024

The government released a document last week regarding the National Payments Vision. The most important paragraph?


And specifically - with PCA capitalisation:

“…the government recognises that there is a proportion of the population who either cannot or do not WANT to use digital payments”.

The PCA applauds Tulip Siddiq at HM Treasury for the vital inclusion of the word WANT. A recent survey revealed that 81% of British adults WANT to have the option of using cash a a payment method.

The Payment Choice Alliance looks forward to participating in the Vision Engagement Group, to guarantee cash is fully included in the National Payments Vision, ensuring that the British public get what they have made very clear that they WANT.


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