Time for Senedd to Fully Engage With Payment Choice Alliance! - Image 1

Time for Senedd to Fully Engage With Payment Choice Alliance!

Posted on: 21/10/2024

What the Senedd should be debating is what steps need to be taken to AVOID any chance of a “cashless” Wales emerging.

LINK Scheme Ltd revealed recently that 81% of adults want to retain the option to pay using cash. YouGov found in 2023 that 71% of adults want a law passed guaranteeing they can use their cash, when and where they choose.

These percentages INCLUDE “vulnerable adults” BUT clearly go far beyond that group. The Payment Choice Alliiance is inviting Eluned Morgan, the First Minister of Wales, to engage with fully with the PCA so that members of the Senedd can get a full understanding of all the issues - and, more important still, the SOLUTIONS.

Those solutions go far beyond the provision of a few “Banking Hubs” from Cash Access UK.

Source: deeside.com/will-a-cashless-society-exclude-vulnerable-adults-senedd-to-debate

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