Lack of New ATMs is NOT because of Lack of Public Demand for Cash! - Image 1

Lack of New ATMs is NOT because of Lack of Public Demand for Cash!

Posted on: 22/01/2024

The installation of a new cash machine is now about as rare as the sighting of a Golden Eagle in Hyde Park!

Even the heavily-hyped Cash Access UK “Bank Hubs” mysteriously don’t have ATMs?

This when ATMs delivered £81 BILLION to the British public in 2023, OVER 90% of the total amount of cash used in the UK last year!

The reason for this lack of ATM installations?

The fees the Big Five pay to ATM operators are at an all-time low, as those banks strive to force the public to accept a “cashless” Britain.

Such low fees mean it is often not viable for ATM operators to install new ATMs.

There has been not one word from either HM Treasury or Financial Conduct Authority on this crucial issue.

The fees MUST be increased - and SUBSTANTIALLY.

NOW. IN 2024.


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